Decrease club attrition, increase retention rates, and gain more revenue. Now you can spend your time talking to customers, and building stronger relationships.

7 Ways To Kick Start Your 2023 DTC Campaign

7 Ways To Kick Start Your DTC Program in 2023
Some great ideas of how to set yourself and DTC program up for success in 2023. December was like a fantastic roller coaster ride. One minute they are checking your harness to make sure you don't fly out - the next, you are upside down going hoarse from screaming "weeeee!"
7 Ways To Kick Start Your DTC Program in 2023

What is the fastest way to get your DTC program cranked up again in 2023? We've got some ideas to share.

December was like a fantastic roller coaster ride. One minute they are checking your harness to make sure you don't fly out - the next, you are upside down going hoarse from screaming "weeeee!"

Then, the ride comes to a screeching halt. Despair sets in knowing you’ve got to stand in line again – that despair, is January. For anyone in DTC, you know the feeling. December is filled with excitement, sales, and holiday cheer, then – you’ve got to start all over again.

Best advice, schedule some time away to clear your head and reflect on your performance. Sometimes a few extra days off can make all the difference in the world and makes you better at what you do. Taking care of yourself is your top priority, particularly after a busy season.

So, what can you do to make your wait shorter? We have some tips that will help you get set up for DTC sales success in the new year.

7 Ways To Start Your 2023 DTC Program Right.

  1. Analysis – Evaluate which campaigns, posts and promotions worked and which didn’t work in 2022. Compare google analytics, social KPIs and e-commerce promotions to determine what content and offers worked and which flopped. Knowing “what not to do” can be invaluable.
  2. Data Hygiene. You have the time – segment your data by club segments, and then active and engaged non club members. Remove the inactive from the list – if they haven’t purchased in 24 months, send them an email to re-engage them one last time. Or move on. This is also a time to clean up phone number and emails with a data append. {Inactive data has no value, that goes for customers with incomplete data as well)
  3. Customer Service – Comb through all outstanding refunds and customer service tickets and get them handled; it’s the easiest way to manage your online reputation. One poor review can cost you 10 future visitors that could ultimately become club members. You’ve got to invest in your club to keep them. 
  4. Content – Wine has four incredible seasons to share visually – work on your photography catalog. The content can be used and reused in so many ways. And an iPhone can make anyone a professional photographer. I think the single biggest point, those photos are a way that new customers find you and fantasize about their trip to wine country. Capturing great photos from the vineyard, tasting room and winemaking facility are ways to engage without being too ‘salesy’. 
  5. Funnel Enrichment – Focus on the top of your DTC funnel – new tasting room visitors. Winter is prime time to get people thinking about their Spring/Summer trip. Social media is like an idea board for anyone that might be planning a visit. Use your social channels to get people to the tasting room and into the funnel with all that new photography. Instagram is a great source of vacation planning for new visitors. Let them visit before selling them on your membership. 
  6. Customer Acquisition – Improve tasting room customer acquisition programs for your team. Everyone needs more customers, your tasting room staff is the first line of offense. Incentivize the team to capture clean data on more visitors. Use QR codes to drive tasting room visitors to a landing page on their phones where the fill out their customer information. Provide the customers a special taste or discount that they will receive via text or email when they verify they’ve provided you usable information and opted in for messaging. 
  7. Targeted SalesCall the club with a library offer. After buying wines to cellar over the fall, some rare and ready to drink wines for club members is a great way to engage them and generate sales.

These are just a few ideas to help you kick start your 2023 selling season. January can produce sales, but, is often best looked at as a mix of planning, clean up and getting back into the swing of things. Conquering the list above will surely set you apart and prepare you for a busy Spring/Summer tasting season.



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